About us

The Auditorium and Conference Centre Foundation is made up of institutions and companies seeking to contribute to Girona's economic and cultural growth, based on its founding principles. The Foundation is governed by its Board, which is formed of representatives of the institutions, patrons and sponsors who, together with the Foundation's media partners, make Girona's musical and conference programme possible.

The Girona Conference Centre belongs to the new generation of 21st century conference centres. Versatility, harmony, rationality, elegance, comfort, tradition and modernity are just some of the words that best describe the building.

In a few short years the Centre has become established as a premier cultural and business venue, and is now an integral part of the city of Girona. Inaugurated in 2006, it hosts all types of congresses, conferences, conventions, meetings, seminars, fairs and exhibitions.

The building occupies an area of 10,000 m˛ situated at the western edge of Devesa Park, a protected green space in the centre of Girona. It is only a 10-minute walk from the Historic Quarter and the train station (high-speed rail line), giving it an unbeatable location that makes it easy for attendees to reach.

Inside the Girona Conference Centre there are three auditoriums with total capacity for 1,800 people and 13 parallel rooms equipped with the most advanced technology and bathed in natural light. The building also has a main hall, exhibition room and terrace, all of which are suitable for exhibits and catering.

The Centre's years of experience hosting successful national and international congresses and seminars speak for themselves. Numerous societies and companies in the medical, gastronomic and business sectors have played an important role in its development. The versatility and capacity of the spaces grant the Centre the flexibility to host all types of events.

The Girona Conference Centre makes an important contribution to the city's tourism and economic promotion and is committed to the aim of publicising Girona throughout Europe as a charming and attractive destination and a strategic meeting point for business, culture and leisure.

  • Palau de Congressos Girona


  • Ajuntament de Girona
  • Diputaciķ de Girona
  • Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament de Cultura
  • Cambra de Comerį de Girona
  • Metalquimia
  • Damm Fundaciķ

Top Patron

  • La Vanguardia

Gold Sponsors

  • Mecenes: HIPRA
  • Mecenes: Fundaciķ 'la Caixa'
  • Mecenes: El Corte Inglés

Silver Sponsors

  • Mecenes: Grup Cānovas 1852
  • Mecenes: COMEXI


  • Canal 33 - 3cat
  • El Punt - Avui
  • Cadena Ser
  • Televisiķ de Girona
  • Diari de Girona

With financing from

Uniķ Europea - Fons Next Generation; Gobierno de Espaņa - INAEM; Pla de Recuperaciķ, Transformaciķ i Resiličncia; Next Generation Catalunya; Generalitat de Catalunya

Pg. de la Devesa, 35. 17001 GIRONA | +34 872 080 709 | info@gironacongressos.org